Hans Menop.
Hans lives in the village of Barchem in the Achterhoek with his family. Besides his profession as a photographer, he is a dedicated owner of a dairy farm.
His passion for nature, animals and especially birds started at a very young age. He was still in primary school. He used all his free time to be in nature and enjoy it. When Hans was 16 years old, he decided to buy his first camera and telephoto lens. He wanted to capture the beauty of nature, especially birds, on film.
Thanks to the fact that Hans was already intensively engaged in nature photography at such an early age, he became the youngest member of the Nature Photographers Guild in the Netherlands.
Besides nature and bird photography, Hans specialised in photographing cows. This speciality has developed into a professional occupation. He regularly shoots complete series for both Dutch and foreign professional magazines.
It is only natural that Hans continues to develop his passion; from a young enthusiastic photographer to a versatile professional. A few years ago, Hans started his own company; Hans Menop Freelance Photography.
His work is regularly published in magazines such as Noaber, Buitenleven, Seasons and Ariadne.

Cees Uri.
Cees lives in the town of Dedemsvaart in Overijssel together with his family. Cees has been working in primary education as a school leader for years. In his free time, he goes into nature as much as possible to enjoy animals and especially birds.
From his early childhood, Cees was fascinated by nature and birds in particular. Another passion he developed was for the red deer. The appearance of this animal, but especially the spectacular rutting season, fascinated him. Long before sunrise, Cees would drive with my father to the Elspeter Shrubberies to enjoy the burbling deer.
Nature photography became a passion for him. Cees developed into a nature photographer who particularly wants to capture specific behaviour of birds and animals in their own habitat, with an extra focus on composition.
His photos appear regularly in various nature magazines, such as Natuurfoto Magazine.
It is a great bonus for Cees to meet fellow photographers in the field and to see them at work. Some of them have become good friends and inspire him to develop further as a nature photographer.